Dear Chair and Members of the Senate HELP committee,
Today I am writing you to attempt to raise awareness of how excellent something like the Early Assessment And Support Alliance is. My name is Sam. I am a 21 year old from Portland, Oregon.. At the early age of 16, I experienced a traumatic schizophrenic episode that lasted a few weeks. I have suffered from a few other “episodes” related to psychosis.
Fiver years later, I am here today writing you from the other side of the pool. I have recovered because of EASA and they have given me the opportunity to share my experience and enlighten other youth that may have had similar things happen to them. Without a program like EASA, I believe I would have taken my own life. They were with me every second of the way for that 2 years, even when I pushed away. I like to call them my “professional” friends. I would have never entered college if it wasn’t for them, or learned how to talk to my own mother. That all came possible simply because of a team of 5 to 7 people who dedicate their lives to help the troubled youth.
Programs like EASA are so important because they have constructed a philosophy and undying want to better peoples lives. I’d like to thank you guys for your urge to better the families of America and hope to see some change from this hearing.
EASA Young Adult Leadership Committee